Lilypie First Birthday tickers

16 August 2018

16/8/2008 - 16/8/2018 , we made it to double digits.

Harini kami menyambut ulang tahun perkahwinan yang ke -10.
Tapi tak ada candle night dinner ke apa-apa yang special sebab mami kene keje malam.
Tapi Babah did bring mami to SOTO STATION that evening for dinner.
Babah had the super delicious Soto Kambing Special, mami order Soto Ayam Biasa sebab mami takde selera makan sangat sebab penat kerja malam semalam belum hilang lagi. And I had so many things in my mind lately, especially fikirkan mana nak transit Si Simon masa kami nak berpergian this coming saturday.

Luper nak Update, Simon is our adopted stray cat that mami save him dari longkang. Nothing much to say but that cat is our new bundle of joy. A good and heart warming additional to our small family, but sometimes can be really a pain in the ass literally peeing everywhere making mami clean up his mess afterward. Sameon nama kampung dia. (Kalau bawa balik rengit)

We're  going to KL this weekend to see the newest addition to Hafiz's family. Iba and Razi new baby girl. Aisha rasanya nama dia. Razi belum buat surat beranak. So the name is still not official yet. Really happy for them and the baby is my  first nieces in my family side after 2 nephews.
So to count Cucu atok and nenek yang terkini.
Aijaz, Umar , Xavier and Aisha. Love them to bits.

Let's update a few pictures.

Simon @ Sameon (first day with us)


Raya 2018 (Babah , Aijaz, Simon , Mami)

ATok dengan Aisha

Simon (today) baru lepas kene cucuk. Mami terlepas appointment his third Vaksin, so had to start all over again. Burn mami punya pocket. 

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